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Zawartość dodana przez Szymon

  1. Szymon

    Zamiast Sump-a...

    nie rozumić
  2. Szymon


    bardzo fajny baniaczek. poazdrawiam
  3. Szymon

    Bloki poznikały

    do tego nie widac, kto aktualnie jest na forum. Przemek wstawaj, szkoda dnia:)
  4. :D:D Zenon - dzieki wielkie, faktycznie inaczej to wszystko teraz sie czyta. Metry jednaz zostana metrami a litry litrami - artykul pisze Polak, z Europy dziekuje jeszcze raz
  5. posikalem sie, prawie ze:) bez kitu ide spac, jutro na 8sma , zobacze - bede nakladal rece, moze za kilka dni bede w teleekspresie:D
  6. ja juz jestem pijany, ide spac
  7. o tych fosforanach to napisalem, bo co - mialem napisac, ze zmierzylem raz w zyciu i wyszlo zero (salifertem oczywiscie), ze potem juz nie mierzylem, ze nie mam testu ani delteca, ani rowy, ani hanny? w moim slowniku niemierzalne znaczy nie mierzone :D:D tak szczerze i naprawde nie ironicznie - JA NIE WIEM JAK MI SIE TO UDALO:) mowie o zbiorniku, totm to drugorzedna sprawa
  8. Jo Czarek, ale Ty masz w tym garazu motor, a to co innego:D:D:D z tego co napisal mi nejaki "Chris" totm na lipiec jest na 100% moj, nie ma juz zadnych wyborow sposrod kilku, decyzja przez rc team podjeta. jesli okaze sie inaczej i zrobili mnie w konia, jade spojrzec "Chrisowi" w oczy osobiscie:)
  9. Froolk - chodzilo mi o pokazanie, ze nie trzeba miec garazu zawalonego sprzetem po sufit, wygladajacego jak laboratorium nasa:) fotek ryb jest kilka, krewetek nie ma szans uchwycic, mam za to jednego brunerusa:) w koncu to ja jestem autorem i kocepcja na calosc artykulu jest moja a co:)
  10. Andrzej - z obsady - tylko ryby - stadne i spsy:) nie kreca mnie juz ruchliwe korale:)
  11. zdjec ryb i bezkregow jest niewiele, bo niewiele ich mam:) z wyposazeniem tez slabo - bo jest proste i nieskomplikowane, ale to tez ma swoj plus w szczegolnosci tego zbiornika. najwazniejsze, ze korale sa ok. zapraszam o kazdej porze dnia i nocy, tylko wczesniej przedzwon:)
  12. nie wiem Andrzej - pierwszy raz bede mial baniak w TOTM:)
  13. w sumie mam 55 fotek sps, kilkanascie fotek lps+zoa, grzybki itp, kilkanascie fotek zbiornika z roznych ujec, plus oczywiscie kilka fotek wyposazenia, suplementow i takich tam
  14. prosze przeslij mi jak uda Ci sie skonczyc na mail -
  15. oki bede wdzieczny- chcialem juz dzis wysylac artykul, ale w takim ukladzie jeszcze sie wstrzymam.Dziekuje jeszcze raz. wlasnie koncze obrobke fotek - wstawie kilka ciekawszych w ramach odwdzieczenia sie:)
  16. hej - zawsze bylem lepszy z biologii i chemii niz z polaka i anglika:):D napisalem jak umialem i bynajmniej jestem daleki od obrazania sie, bo ja nie z tych:) Pozdrawiam swoja droga - tak sobie mysle, ze musza poprawic jak beda bledy jezykowe. pozdrawiam
  17. uwagi w kwestii jezykowej mile widziane
  18. INTRODUCTION Starting this article I’d like to thank for possibility to representing Poland as country, that from few years saltwater aquaristic is on superior level, we have many talented aquarists with great wisdom and commitment and unlimited access to the best european products, inplements and equipment. My tank is not the only one, that can enchant and it is matter of time, that anothers will be presenting here. Opportunity to share with You my passion and conclusions is for me great honour, much more that is the first polish tank here and five years ago I’ve even didn’t dream of haveing one of the best tanks in the world. My name is Szymon Jankowski, I live in Starogard Gdański, small town in the north of Poland, next to Baltic sea, I’m farmacist and I’m addicted to the reef. BEGINNING Andveture with saltwater aquaristic started about five years ago, when I’ve met my great friend Rafal Kosecki. He has about 200l tank with softies and some fishes. Sight of pumping xenia and fabulously colorfull tangs didn’t let me sleep well, and what everybody knows man has to sleep - in one month the firs simple saltwater tank was at my room. While getting wisdom and experience appetite for something more was turning up. The crucial moment was visiting my friend Andrzej Niewiarowski, great and really gifted reefer, that to this time is for me source of knowledge. 1200l sps tank made so strong impression on me, that to cure new sleep problems I decided to setup my tank of dreams. Collecting inplements and designing whole system took about a half year. I seted oneself a goal – never ever half measures. Everything started in december of 2006y. Today hobby is my lifestyle, important part of existance. I cant imagine day without even few fleeting looks on my reef. SYSTEM PROFILE ______________________________________________________________ Main tank:160\78\60 h Optiwhite glass tank Sump: 200l with skimmer, return pump, Rowaphos filter and carbon in sock Skimmer: Bubble King Royal Exclusiv 300 internal Return pump: Red dragon 6500 Water movement: 2*6100 tunze + multikontroler Lighting: 10*80w t5 in Powermodule Ati lamp Balling, carbon, Rowaphos ______________________________________________________________ TANK 160\78\60h dimmension tank is made of Optiwhite glass – is absolutly clear, great thing for observing the correct colour of sps. The base of construction is a very strong rack made of acid-resistant steel surround with wood boards, but only in the front and right side. Under the tank is about 200l sump with all necessary stuff – I don’t have “equipment room”, for me simplicity is the key, not the large amount of equipment decide about success but skills in operation and coming to the right conclusions on grounds what is actually happening in the tank. FILTRATION The first part of sump contains Bubble King Royal Exclusiv internal 300 skimmer – it is the heart, that allow to feed corals and fishes as much as they and we want. The second part is empty, including only sock with activated carbon - for me it is absolutly necessary, purificates water by toxins, organic substances, that colours water. Using of activated carbon increaseing light penetration and rises the redox potential level. In the last part of sump is Rowaphos filter and Red Dragon 6500 return pump, that’s moving water to main tank. Skimmer, about 90kg of live rock and about 15cm layer of DSB are responsible for filtration. In few first months I used to have refugium on Miracle Mud, but I’ve liquidated it – maby it is good part of total ecosystem, but in my opinion not really necessary. CIRCULATION In main tank I have two Tunze 6100 pumps connected with Tunze Multicontroler, in water movement helps return Red Dragon 6500 ended lock-line joint in the tank. In the near future I’ll have to increase water circulation – corals getting bigger and bigger, what makes that total efficiency of flow goes down. LIGHTING Lighting is probably the largest story, the most discussed subject on all forums – I’m not suprised by that fact, because proper light is one of the most important elements for success with colour and growth of SPS. In my reefer carieer I’ve tested most of all possible combinations of light, its kind and sources to find the way for me and my tank. In first 8 months I’ve been using HQI with t5 – 2*250w 13kk Giessemann bulbs and combination of blue plus and blue actynic ATI t5. Low kelvin rate perfectly helped with fast coral growth – in 8 months results was really great – I’ve never used human growht hormons. Then I decided to rise degree of corals coloration – in Aquaconnect lamp puted BLV 20kk bulbs – colors went stronger and brighter, but growth slowed down. Next step was 12kk Reeflux bulbs – it was compromise in coloration and growth. The last step in light selection was decission to use t5 light as the only light source. Now I have Ati Powermodule 10*80w lamp – with this solution I could turn of the coller – emmision of temperature is incredible low now. Lamp is done perfectly and is very functional. On ten t5 bulbs I use only three white (blue spezial ati) – the rest is combination of blue and violet light (blue plus ati, blue actynic ati and fiji purple korallenzucht). Unusual advantage of t5 ligt is its nature – illuminates more coral tissue, there is no shadow - corals produce more pigment. Lamp is on by 12 houers. ALKALINITY AND CALCIUM WATER PARAMETERS Scecyfic gravity: 1.025 pH: 7.8-8.1 Alkalinity: 7 Calcium: 380-400 Magnesium: 1300 ppm Nitrate: undetectable Phosphate: undetectable (Salifert) In first year of tank life responsible for dosing coral building timber was calcium reactor and kalkwasser combination. Results was good, but sometimes water parameters didn’t look stable – it is one of the worst thing for sps health. Few months ago I’ve changed situation with use of Balling method. Now three solutions are dosing via Grotech TEC III pump. In my opinion it is very comfortable – all we have to do in first period of using Balling is checking water parameters to define corals demand for calcium and alkalinity and according to it set up dosing pumps. It guarantee 100% stability and above all peace of mind. Eventual change of demand can be corrected fast and with no problems. Preparing Balling solutions is no problem too – I use 20l boxes so I can forget about it for a long time. MAINTENANCE, FEEDING AND SUPLEMENTS Takeing decission for high level tank we have to be fully conscious of neverending work and observation. Gained experience can allow reconcile tank obligations with work, family and other hobbys (for me fishing). Twice a year I change t5 bulbs, once a month I have to change activated carbon and Rowaphos. Once a week I do 100l water change - using water by RO\DI station made by my friend Rafał’s firm (THCSKIBA.PL) and Preis salt. Corals are feeding once, twice a week at night well mixed lobster eggs with vitamins and omega-3 acids in exchange with superior coral food Reefbooster Prodibio. Daily dosing of aminoacids and coralvitalizer (Korallenzucht) keeps sps color stable and nice to eye. From time to time dosing pumps supply Grotech ABC elements set. Last time I’m experimenting, getting good results, with Zeospur2 (Korallenzucht) and iodid suplements, including those made by myself at my drugstore. Fishes, because of my absence while working, are feeding by my lovely mom, that really share my passion. She gives various frozen food and Cyclop-eeze few times a day. It’s worth mention of useing Prodibio bacteria+bacteria food set. Regular dosing of this suplements significantly rises filtrations abillity of whole system. Bacteria diminish nitrate and phosphate in natural way, giving in the long run zeovit similar effects. About tank situation says simple Aquamedic redox potential and pH measures. In correct maintenance of tank big aid was my education. Patience and precission of farmacist and chemistry without secrets are always welcome in this hobby. LIVE STOCK Today look of tank is caused by my true love for sps corals. From the very beginning I was delighted at their variety of forms, shapes and colours. Those features give unlimited possibitities with aquascaping. I always wanted create tank, that won’t give the massive impression despite big size of sps. For me the best style of aquaristic is when people form clear, well-preserved and steril composition. That’s why I’ve used small amount of live rock to give the entirety spatial looklike. To whole effect helped correct light selection and live sand keeped in good health. Now my attitude for reefkeeping is another that in the beginning – quite simmilar to bonsai art and Amano freshwater aquascaping style. I won’t mention all species of sps in my tank, it has secondary meaning in describing system. Like every sps keeper I have acropora, montipora, stylophora, pocillopora, porites and seriatopora. All grew from small frags. Lower parts of tank are dedicated for some zoanthids and mushrooms, and for some colourfull lps, that are uncontested ornaments. Fishes in my tank are only addition, they have never been the main aim of seting up the system. I have some tangs, chromises, anthiases, apogons and amphiprions. Recently small school fishes like anthias or chromis make bigger impresion on me than big like tangs – shoal of anthias looks very delicate what definitely respond to my aquaristic vision. Tank evolution surely will go to eliminate tangs and other big fishes substituting them by schools of small treasures. Others inhibitants are some cleaning and dancing shrimps, about 40 turbo snails to keep live rock clear and some sandstars, strombus and brunnerus snails to keep live sand in good health. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Adviseing to new in the hobby I will not write about patience as the most necessary aspect – that is obviously. Much more important is commitment. In saltwater aquaristic there is no place for half measures, and we should put into it all heart and soul. Passion should became habit, addiction that we have to learn live with. I would like to thank my parents for mental and often financial support, to my girlfriend Gosia for understanding and detachment for my passion, friends from NANO-REEF.PL society (Pilot, Rako, Krzysiek, Łukasz Kur, Robert K, Seb, Walker, Przemek, Remik, Aquamaniac, Froolk and many others), to Andrzej Niewiarowski and Czarek Rebech for exchange of priceless experiences, discused in person and for houers on the phone line. As well I would like to thank the RC TEAM for noticeing my tank and opportunity to show it to whole world
  19. mam gotowy artykul, wkleje go tutaj dzis wieczorem, ale....po angielsku, bo po polsku juz skasowalem:) Pozdrawiam
  20. o tak wlasnie rozumiana kompozycje mi chodzilo od samego poczatku - napisalem tez o tym w artykule, ktory sie ukaze razem ze zdjeciami w lipcu. Pozdrawiam
  21. podam wiec Tobie rade, ktora jest naprawde dobra rada - cyrkulacja i wydajny odpieniacz. poza tym przed robieniem zdjec do TOTM pamietaj aby na przybrudzony stary piach wsypac dwa worki swierzego, efekt murowany:D:D:D jak bedziesz w moich stronach, serdecznie zapraszam na kawe. Pozdrawiam
  22. Andrzej - dzięki Bogu zwolniły:):D
  23. artykul sie pisze, fotki sie robi:) Pozdrawiam
  24. mniam mniam:)jak bedziesz w Polsce zapraszam do Starogardu na piwko:):)
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